To school or not to school – Debate on Monday, 20 January 2013 online |
“To school or not to school?” is due to take place on Monday, 20 January 2014 at 10:15am (GMT). The debate is being held at The Education World Forum in front of an audience of ministers.
Many of the schools around the world were built for a different time. Schools are being constantly pushed to improve and evolve but can they? The skills we require from students are changing and the student’s needs and expectations are changing. If we are to support these changes to what extent can we rely on traditional approaches to learning; to what extent do we require an entirely new approaches to learning? Does the drive for change and the pressure of economic forces mean that the notion school is outdated, or can schooling be changed to better support the needs of today’s learners and the economies within which they work?
Source: Education Fast Forward