On Saturday, according to the Lockdown Sceptics, around 35,000 people gathered at Trafalgar Square to protest against the lockdown restrictions, masks, social distancing and forced vaccination. Mainstream Media has played it’s part by widely ignoring the mass gathering. Here some impressions and talks for the …
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Die Mainstream-Medien üben seit Monaten Gehirnwäsche an uns aus und versetzten die Leute in Angst und Panik. Hier eine Liste von Artikel, Videos, Studien, Bücher und Webseiten in Bezug auf den Corona-Hype und Impfungen. Es ist wichtig zu recherchieren, statt sich einer “neuen Normalität” zu …
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Mainstream media have been brainwashing people into fear and panic for months. Here is a list of articles, videos, studies and websites regarding the corona hype and vaccination. It is vital to do research instead of consenting to an absurd “new normal”. If any of …
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Some Catholic Bishops are now speaking up in an appeal. They are using the latin motto “Veritas liberabit vos” which means: The truth will set you free. Here you can read and sign the appeal. Read the full text here: APPEAL FOR THE CHURCH AND …
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