From Home to Walsingham

Our Lady of Walsingham. Bild:

Bernice Zieba: From Home to Walsingham. A Mother's Five-Day Pilgrimage on FootThis is an account of my five-day pilgrimage to Walsingham. Read about how I prepared for the pilgrimage, the days when I journeyed to the shrine on foot, the history of Walsingham and some prayers for pilgrims.

In 1061 Our Lady said: ‘All who are in any way distressed or in need, let them seek me there in that little house you have made in Walsingham. To all that seek me there shall be given help.’

Follow me on my meditative and challenging journey to Mary and her Son Jesus Christ in Walsingham. Paperback available on: Amazon UK , Amazon DE and Amazon USA

The Diocese of East Anglia published an article about my pilgrimage on their homepage: Mother of eight makes pilgrimage on foot to Walsingham:

Bernice Zieba, a mother of eight, has written a book about her five-day pilgrimage on foot from home in Cambridgeshire to Walsingham. She describes the journey in her own words.
Every time we went on a pilgrimage to Walsingham, we travelled by coach or by car. But I felt a pilgrimage should be something that challenges you physically. I wanted to feel the hardship of the road under my feet, and get the sense of how people did pilgrimages hundreds of years ago.I had important prayer intentions for one of my children and for the conversion of England. I also thought of the rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary which is to take place in March 2020.

Sixteen years ago, I converted to the Catholic Church (I was a Protestant before). I believe that when you take the Catholic faith seriously, you cannot do without devotion to Mary. As a convert I learnt a lot about the Catholic faith and gradually got rid of prejudices, such as those about the Catholic approach towards Mary. Read the whole article here.

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