On the 19th of March the Church celebrates St Joseph’s Day. Joseph was the faithful spouse of Mary, the mother of God. He was the foster father of Jesus Christ, whom Mary conceived through the Holy Spirit. Together with blessed Mary, Joseph was responsible for the upbringing of Jesus. After Mary, he was one of the closest persons who experienced the presence of God among us.
Yesterday, before fetching our son from school, I visited church with the intention to see the small exhibition of the Holy Shroud (Shroud of Turin), which was coming to an end. I also prayed before the St Joseph statue, because it was the day of this saint. Before I left the church, I noticed confessions were taking place, so I used the opportunity to confess (after all it is lent), and at the same moment, the blessed sacrament was exposed for adoration! I felt double blessed. Surely, St Joseph’s intercession was behind this … St Joseph is the patron saint of the entire Church and of penitents!