Recipe for Welsh Cakes 450 gr plain flour 100gr sugar (this time we used honey instead of sugar) 1 tsp of cinnamon, ginger and cloves 1 tsp baking powder 100gr butter 1/2 cup of cream (or milk) 100 gr raisins 2 eggs oil for frying …
Read MoreAdvent, Christmas and New Year 2021/22
Autumn 2021
Pickled eggs’ recipe (written by heart) Cover boiled and peeled eggs with a mixture of vinegar and boiling hot water*, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, add pepper grains, garlic, other spices in clean jars. Cover with lid while still very hot to sterilise. …
Read MoreNew Book Cover In Progress
Here a glimpse of our 21-year-old daughter’s work in progress: Hier ein kleiner Einblick in die Arbeit unserer 21-jährigen Tochter:
Read MoreAn Exciting Time Slip Adventure
∼ The Anglo-Saxon Village ∼ Book I: Ethón Imagine stepping out of an old chapel and arriving in another world… Adrian and Rohanna are mysteriously drawn from our world to Anglo-Saxon Mercia, over a thousand years back in time. Here they meet new friends, and …
Read MoreThe Anglo-Saxon Village ∼⊕∼
∼ The Anglo-Saxon Village ∼ Book I: Ethón Imagine stepping out of an old chapel and arriving in another world… Adrian and Rohanna are mysteriously drawn from our world to Anglo-Saxon Mercia, over a thousand years back in time. Here they meet new friends, and …
Read MoreAusflug nach Wales / Trip to Wales
Nach Familienbesuchen in Gloucester fuhren wir ins schöne Wales. Erster Halt war St. Davids in Südwales, wo die ehemals katholische Kathedrale und die Ruinen des ehemaligen Bischofsschlosses stehen. In der Nähe, in St. Non, befindet sich der angebliche Geburtsort von St. David, der Schutzpatron von …
Read MoreSt David’s Day
Heute feiert Wales ihren Patron, den heiligen David. Wir haben diese walisische Küchlein gemacht: Rezept für walisische Küchlein 450 gr weisses Mehl 100 gr Zucker 1 TL Zimt, Ingwer und Nelkenpulver 1 TL Backpulver 100 gr Butter 100 gr Rosinen 1/2 Tasse Rahm (oder Milch) …
Read MoreThe Everlasting Man
This book by Chesterton was not an easy read, due to the dated and sophisticated language. It starts off with the origins of humanity, in pre-historic times. Here Chesterton manages to give the cave man an unusual human touch. One of the pearls is when …
Read MoreFrom the Depths of our Hearts
Robert Cardinal Sarah has written a new book and it contains contributions of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI. It was written out of the urge to explain what the priestly celibacy means, as celibacy is being denounced and there are voices that would like to abolish …
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